• +123-456-7890
  • info@example.com
  • 1701 N George Mason Dr, Arlington
Bionutrition - Capsber Agriscience


In the wake of constant deterioration of soil health and its ecology through chemical fertilizers, Capsber has developed formulations with potent living cells to enhance soil fertility and bio-availability of nutrients to plant roots. These microbial based-formulations ensure the proper plant nutrient acquisition through solubilizing and mobilizing the unavailable form of fixed nutrients. Also, it helps farmers to reduce their dependency on chemical fertilizers in commercial agriculture.


Biofertilizers play a critical role in boosting soil fertility, soil nutrients, and overall production. They are economical, environmentally benign, and a valuable source of needed nutrients for plants. They are artificially maintained soil microorganism cultures that can be used as microbial or soil inoculants to increase plant and soil fertility and productivity. Biofertilizers are regarded as a potent substitute for reducing the usage of various synthetic fertilizer kinds, which are not only expensive but also have negative impacts on the health of the soil.

Crop Specific Micronutrients

Capsber Micronutrients have major elements comprising of Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), and Molybdenum (Mo) needed to improve overall plant growth, photosynthesis, chlorophyll formation, cell wall development resistance to plant disease, nitrogen fixation, colour of the fruits, sugar transport, fruit textures, the turgidity of the plant, and osmotic balances. Micronutrients are crucial for plant growth and play an important role in balancing crop nutrition. Micronutrients, though needed in minute amounts play an important role in most enzymatic reactions as they act as co-factors for enzymes.