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  • 1701 N George Mason Dr, Arlington
Biocontrol - Capsber Agriscience


Microbes are exquisite, omnipresent, and a foundation for human survival. They improve soil structure, and nutrition uptake capacity and prime the crop alleviating biotic and abiotic stresses. Whereby we, at Natura under the brand name Capsber Agriscience, are able to balance the broken chains in Agri ecology by customized timely interventions of quality Agri inputs.


Capsber has effective biological solutions to control all the life stages of plant-parasitic nematodes infecting the plant roots. Our solutions are durable and have a unique mode of action to reduce the infestation of the nematode population like root-knot nematode, potato cyst nematode, and burrowing nematode. These products are formulated with a higher count of nematophagous fungi and it has the ability to capture, parasitize, disorient, and even paralyze nematodes during their various stages of development.


Pronto emergence of resistance in plant pathogens against chemical pesticides, our biological innovations are ideal to combat the infestation of plant fungal pathogens in all the development stages without causing any behavioural changes. Our bio-solutionsare technologically sound, safe and effective alternatives to chemical pesticides. It has both curative and preventive mode of action to act against plant pathogens affecting various crops, ranging from cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, spices and plantation crops. Due to its high compatibility with conventional chemical pesticides, it works well in integrated farming practices.


Bio-bactericides are phytosanitary products with a special group of beneficial bio-organisms against bacterial pathogens. This beneficial bio-organism performs a different spectrum of actions like the production of a broad range of antibiotics (Streptothricin), degradative lytic enzymes, nitrous oxide, and quorum quenching mechanisms to inhibit the soil-borne, air-borne and seed-borne bacterial pathogens. Well suited for integrated disease management and sustainable farming practices.


This product category was specially formulated by effective entomopathogenic fungi with the aim of safeguarding the plants against phytophagous insects and pest attacks. Entomopathogenic fungi are a special group of bio-control agents that infects and destroys pests through cuticle penetration mechanisms and causes various kinds of disease to the target host. This groundbreaking technology provides farmers with consistent increases in yield without any toxic residues.

Semio Chemicals

Semiochemicals are volatile signaling organic compounds, emitted by insects to facilitate communication between individuals of the same species or different species. Semiochemicals can be used as insect traps to detect, monitor and control the pest population in the field. Capsber has its own patented innovative traps for the management of economically important insect pests particularly members of Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera. Our traps are target specific, environmentally safe, of natural origin, and low persistence.